Sunday, September 11, 2016

Desi Arnaz 1977 Detroit Book Tour TV interview audio

Back in 1977 Desi Arnaz visited Detroit to promote his biography "A Book."  I was 13 at the time.  I wrote about this in a previous blog.

He did a morning tv show interview and my mom recorded it for me on my little cassette recorder (aren't mom's great?).

He did an evening talk show "The Lou Gordon Show" on WKBD Channel 50 which I recorded. Lou got him a little upset as he probed into Desi's sex affairs while married to Lucy....or was it before he was married?  I was hoping for a call in show but the program was pre-recorded.

Anyhow, I recently unearthed the audio cassette containing these two interviews and here is the link to it so you can hear both of these shows:

Just remember, this is audio recorded off of TV....long before VCRs and DVRs were handy. It is also pretty crackly, so don't expect stereophonic or even hi-fi sound...but you will get to hear Desi at the age of 60 talk about his life and career. Pretty fascinating stuff.

At the end there is a Kaiser Broadcasting Company jingle, Channel 50 ID, and even a "coming up next on I Love Lucy" voiceover credit from the show prior to Lucy.


  1. Just letting you know that I appreciated you posting this link. Those interviews were so intensely uncomfortable to listen to and I listen to a lot of ratchet things nowadays lol. That last one was especially awkward at the end.. I couldn't tell if that was his interview style or if he just resented Desi for some reason. He really was goading him With those questions about the affairs.

  2. Just letting you know that I appreciated you posting this link. Those interviews were so intensely uncomfortable to listen to and I listen to a lot of ratchet things nowadays lol. That last one was especially awkward at the end.. I couldn't tell if that was his interview style or if he just resented Desi for some reason. He really was goading him With those questions about the affairs.

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